This article introduces all the public services provided by this site.
API Interface#
The following services are available for personal use free of charge, only need to indicate the source.
Availability is not guaranteed, please do not use it in highly available projects.
Most interfaces are protected by Cloudflare WAF rules. If you find that the interface cannot be called normally on your site, please leave your site domain name in the comments for me to adjust the WAF rules.
Meting API#
MetingAPI music interface
Interface address
Parameter Description
server: data source
netease Netease Cloud Music (default)
tencent QQ Music
Note: Due to the server being located outside mainland China, the availability of QQ Music parsing is not guaranteed.
Supports parsing Netease Cloud Music VIP songs
type: type
name song name
artist artist
url link
pic cover
lrc lyrics
song single
playlist playlist
id: type ID (cover ID/single ID/playlist ID)
Handsome theme users please use the following interface
You can fill in the following items in the advanced settings of the Handsome theme developer to use this interface
Hitokoto API#
Interface address
Documentation see
Same functionality as the official API
Access Count API#
Interface address
<script async src=""></script>
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Telegram Bot#
Baka Feed#
Bilibili video parsing
Baka Music#
Netease Cloud Music parsing
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